Grantstown Day Care Centre
Grantstown Day Care Centre is a community centre located in Grantstown, Wellingtonbridge. The centre sets out to provide local older residents with a change of scenery and outside companionship for a few hours. It offers a wide range of services and can facilitate up to 50 people daily. We aim to provide a high standard of holistic care, whilst maximising an individuals experience. We treat all our clients with respect and endeavour to meet their varying needs in a professional and confidential manner.

Services Include :
- Recreational activities & occasional outings
- Nursing service – Dressings, Blood pressure
- Showering facilities
- Games & Quizzes
- Arts & Crafts
- Hairdresser
- Chiropodist
- Physiotherapist
- Meals on Wheels
- Complimentary Therapies
- Reflexology & Massage
- Active Retirement Group
- Transport to & from the centre

What are the opening times ?
The Day Care Centre is open from Monday to Thursday from 10.00 am to 3.30 pm each day.
How to get there
A bus service is available if required to collect and return clients, in comfort, to their own homes if they don’t have transport available to them.
To avail of this service, please give us a call at the Day Care Centre on 051 561016.

What can I expect and what are the benefits ?
Grantstown Day Care Centre offers a place for social interaction for independent older persons and brings people together for a nourishing meal and recreational activities. Clients often find hidden talents within themselves such as the ability to paint, tell stories or entertain.
Supervised one to one care, day respite.
Assistance and care provided to less able clients.
Meals on Wheels available Tuesdays & Thursdays at present.